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A South African designed fire-support weapon, the Milkor is an oversized six-shooter that fires 40mm grenades. The latest version has a recoil reduction system and is capable of firing medium-velocity munitions out to 1200 meters. It can be used with a variety of grenades such as door-breaching rounds, as well as the standard high-explosive dual-purpose ‘gold-tops’. A Milkor variant is currently in service with the United States military as the M32.



PRIMAL Assessment


A seriously kick ass fire support weapon capable of laying down a high rate of fire. Highly recommended for breaching, light vehicle engagement, and engaging massed or dug in light infantry. Not suitable for covert or low-vis operations due to its weight and size. In these situations the smaller, lighter, PAW-20 is recommended. Doesn’t have as much punch but is still highly effective.